Like any new trend, every-one wants to jump on the collaboration bandwagon for the ball. With anything new, a healthy dose of understanding can only be a good thing.
You’ve heard the term ‘collaboration’ but what does it really mean?
When I want to understand something, I do it.
Experiential learning works really well for me. Before jumping in, I began researching, watching talks and speaking to a lot of people.
Very quickly I realised, every-one ascribed a different meaning to collaboration. Each had their own take on the new black. This, I realised, was perfectly ok.
In fact, it got me so inspired I started a few collaborative approaches to continue growing my own business.
The result: Meeting new awesome people and doing super awesome things. Talk about fun!
By the end of this year, I will have led a community Wellbeing showcase event, hosted some joint workshops, volunteered for charitable organisations and talked at several events, in addition to the work I already do.
All this with amazing people, who themselves do amazing things.
Wow, talk about expansive!
For me, this is showing that collaboration really means the whole is more than the sum of its parts. Magic really does happen when people pull together.
With each new collaborative adventure, my local and on-line communities grow. That fuels my creativity and gets me fired up to do more!
But… collaboration isn’t for every-one.
Fortunately the people I am collaborating with all understand the value of a shared vision and working towards that. They are people who are willing to share, contribute and give something of themselves.
It takes two to collaborate (and to tango!).
Each partner enjoys the dance, leads when necessary, and follows when appropriate. Both help each other perform in one seamless, joyful dance.
Both get something out of value.
Some adventures require a dedicated team. All are aligned to the overall vision and working to the plan. Each person brings their ideas and skills to the floor. Unique, different and inspiring. Sharing of themselves, listening and melding together like a dance troupe extraordinaire!
Whilst I wax lyrical, there is also the point to make that collaboration takes effort.
Sometimes you may not want to contribute or do anything, as part of a team. Your team depends on you. Whilst there are things you can do on your own, ultimately, you do have to bring it all back to the team… or stay lonely!
Science shows us one person is great at generating ideas; however a group is better at choosing the best ones. Group efforts also reduce the loneliness factor so many therapists feel today.
In addition, this can inspire creativity and innovation, lead to new contacts and new ways of running your business.
Collaboration could totally change your direction!
So…What are you bringing to the party? If you totally understand yourself, know your own idiosyncrasies and can tell your group you are ok with weirdness, you’ll probably do well in a collaborative setting!
You probably enjoy some alone time, most of us do. When you are working collaboratively, taking time out to reflect and plan your next steps is an essential component.
As long as you can strike a balance, you will succeed!
Sir Isaac Newton tells us: If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants.
So far, those I have collaborated with have been giants. Our combined contributions have helped more people than I can count, and we all continue to do so.
This little lady is definitely embracing the new black for ball!
Cheryl-lya is a Soul Adventurer, helping women around the globe plan, launch and grow successful and sustainable businesses. She runs workshops alongside one-to-one coaching. To contact her: call UK mobile 07527 303 911, or visit her website . Say ‘hello’ or share your joys via email:
Collaborating with people who mesh well with you is SO important and SO beneficial to life. Great read!
Thank-you Megan, collaboration is so important! Glad yu enjoyed the read.