What can a garden do for you?

I’m not much of a gardener. So what has possessed me to write a blog about what a garden can do for you? And how does that relate to business?

More than you think!

A number of articles in Psychology Today talk about the benefits of gardening. Some of which include relaxation, learning to live in the present moment and releasing happy hormones.

Did you also know there is an actual therapy called Horticultural Therapy? I wish I had known that a few years ago when I had a really deep bout of depression and gave up taking my medication! (Not something I would recommend).

Living without meds was a purely personal choice and for me, one that gave me the momentum to take back control of my life. Without my little garden, I would not have had the amazing results I did! Having that tiny garden was the ray of hope I needed to get me going. A way to get my life focused on where I really wanted it to be.

Having clarity and focus enabled me to take the leap from employed to self-employed.

That gorgeous little garden also taught me more about business in one season than I had learnt in the last four years combined! Being present and mindful was top of the list.

Here are five super lessons I learnt from my garden, how can you apply these to your life and business?

  1. Seedlings don’t ask ‘how’ or get frustrated rather, they face the sun, trust and grow upwards.
  2. It’s ok to take time for you. Rest. Relax. Let inspiration flow to you. The time to act will come, for now though, make this moment about you.
  3. Not all seeds that are planted grow. Those that do bring a bounty of miracles.
  4. Slow down, watch the flowers grow… you will learn more about life that way.
  5. Without you, the world would be one flower short and one heartbeat behind.

Take some time out to listen to your garden and let it teach you about life and business.

“What if I don’t have a garden” – I heard that and for years I didn’t have one either!

Well, it’s pretty simple to have a flower pot or a few herbs on the kitchen windowsill. Although not as obvious as a garden, you will still be able to see how the plants grow towards the light. How the flowers face the sun. How they react to watering and nurturing.

They will show you, even in those few moments how your physiology changes when you focus on another life-form. How you slow down from a hectic day and spread a little love to your green buddy. Isn’t that amazing?

When I’m working I love having some flowers nearby. My all time favourite are sunflowers, they are just so cheerful, even on a grey day! As it’s Spring, my Daffodils are showering me with yellow happiness as they peek up out the vase.

So inspiring for my writing and makes implementing my social media plan a doddle!

An unexpected benefit I found, was my sense of gratitude increased. The more grateful I felt and took notice of, the more of what I wanted came into my life! My garden was the focal point of being grateful for my health, my business and a new way of living that I  still fall in love with daily.

So, yes, relax, be present and let those happy hormones run free… could be the difference you need to make attracting your next client a prosperous one!

What wonders will your garden inspire today?

Cheryl-lya is a Soul Adventurer and Planning Queen: helping women around the globe plan launch and grow successful sustainable businesses. She runs workshops alongside one-to-one coaching. Contact her: call UK mobile 07527 303 911, or visit her website soulscompass.net and schedule a free 15 min Connection Session to get your needs sorted. Say ‘hello’ or share your joys via email: cheryllyas@btinternet.com

P.S. Cheryl-lya will be releasing both her new book: ‘Twenty-one Day Gratitude Challenge’ and running the challenge on Facebook this May. Joining details on www.soulscompass.net

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