You don’t have to slay a dragon to start your business…

You don’t have to slay a dragon to start your business…

You have a superb idea to change the world, and then you hit the buffers.

First you have to get over your own inner-dragons on your own.

Then you encounter other dragons along the way. Some burn you to a cinder and others help you to soar. The key thing is to get all dragons flying in formation isn’t it?

Even this can seem like herding cats.

Still alone, you stop.

You feel you can’t do ‘this’ so you move on to your next boring office job then after a few days, start dreaming of dragon-slaying again.

It really doesn’t have to be like that…  It can be pleasant and, dare I say it: FUN!

See this in a different way and you will get your dragons working for you. OK, let’s start again!

You have a really novel idea, product or service. You are going to change the world somehow. You are thinking “what is the next step now?”

Here are a few helpful hints to get you training those dragons.

  1. Think about why you want to start a business.

A business can be fun. The decision shouldn’t be taken lightly though. There are a lot of things to think about.

Start by asking yourself the following questions:

  • Is the decision to start in business a lifestyle choice?
  • Are you running to/away from something?
  • Is this something you really want to do?
  • Is this decision based on solid foundations?
  • Will this be a safe decision for you and your family?

This is a long-term commitment you are making, be honest with yourself.

  1. Do you actually have a great idea?

Let’s face it, who hasn’t! When I first came to the UK, I had a great idea for snow-shoes. Possibly not the best idea to start a business.

A few years later, with the right training and life experience, I began to help women launch sustainable and successful businesses. As you can see, two very different ideas, one idea I love and commit to every day, the other was left on a snowdrift somewhere in the Midlands!

Does your idea match with the reasons behind starting a business?

There is absolutely no point designing snow-shoes if you have no idea about snow, design, materials and all the rest. However, with a brilliant idea that holds merit, you may just want to buy-in the experience you don’t have. Which leads me to point three.

  1. What resources do you have available?

What have you got to get this idea off the ground? By resources I don’t just mean finances:

  • Do you have the right expertise?
  • What is your mind-set like?
  • Do you know where to find the support you need?
  • Are you aware of all your support needs (people, places, things)?
  • Are your family and friends a help or hindrance? That’s a fun one!
  1. How can you get access to resources that will really boost your idea into a fully-fledged successful business?

Have you thought about how to get finances? Which of these are right for you?

  • Crowd funding
  • Innovation Grants
  • Bank Loans
  • Enterprise grants/loans
  • Any other ways you thought of?
  1. ‘Mistakes’ are great with a plan in hand

A good plan will cover all areas of your business, from idea, to launch and through to the next five years at least. It will outline your critical business factors, financial planning, marketing strategy, competitor analysis and so much more. Once your plan is in place, testing all areas helps you see where the cracks are and how you can overcome them. Amend, review and adjust the plan as you go along, or at least once a year for robust plans.

If you are ready to make some messy ‘mistakes’, pick yourself up, learn from each ‘mistake’ and adjust the plan regularly, you are certainly getting your dragons facing the right direction for take-off.

If you still don’t know, or are fighting your dragons, then you need to find an answer and quickly (the footer of this blog may help you source an ace dragon-tamer!).

You will also realise ‘mistakes’ don’t really exist; they are just great growth opportunities.

Now that you have journeyed from idea to plan, you can launch your business, your way. With so many dragons flying in formation and working for you, that makes for a powerful you and a powerful business… and way better than the effort of slaying them!

As Rumi says, “Whoever enters the way without guidance will take a hundred years to travel a two day journey.”

Let’s train your dragons together; it’s more powerful and a lot quicker! What will you do to make your business work for you?

Tame your dragons with Cheryl-lya. Click here to book your free 20 minute virtual cuppa.

Cheryl-lya is a Soul Adventurer, helping women around the globe plan, launch and grow successful and sustainable businesses. She runs workshops alongside one-to-one coaching. To contact her: call UK mobile 07527 303 911, or visit her website and schedule a free introductory session. Say ‘hello’ or share your joys via email: 

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