Why I do what I do, and more!

It turns out all I need to have a lot of fun is my laptop, video-conferencing and a group of awesome women, wanting to rev up their businesses (and lives) to the next level…

Yes, I do what I do because it is FUN.

On paper though, it sounds like a chore. Most weeks I work all of the seven days provided and all sorts of hours. Why would that be fun? Well, I don’t really work, I JOY!

Just this morning I had a great session with a wonderful client. Her parting words were ‘I now have the clarity I have been looking for’.

Last week I spoke to a group of amazing therapists, some of the words of thanks I received included ‘I loved that’, ‘thought provoking’, ‘I have clear direction’ and my favourite ‘What an amazing speaker’.

I definitely shared joy and lived up to my vision of a global snowball of happiness. Sharing joy for me is a way of life, rather than a living.

However, my life wasn’t always like this.

Many years passed me by because at the time I couldn’t see where I was going.

Clarity and focus were two concepts that totally eluded me. I wandered through most of my life semi-comatose. Not really thinking about anything. I hardly spoke about anything that brought me peace or joy.

In short, I lacked purpose. I lacked my personal vision. Sure I had a fabulous career in Human Resources, travelled around the world during my four weeks annual leave seeing awesome places.

That was all it was though. Sounds great, yet I never felt whole or fulfilled. Working towards a four week break, and then coming back to an office piled with things ‘of importance’ to do. Ten to twelve hour days, being called up at 9pm to get things ready for a 9am meeting the next day. Great joB… Not very fulfilling though.

Forty-eight weeks of each of those years were not at all blissful.

After 15 years in Human Resources I had total burn-out, a flip out and four days of sleeping. When I woke, I’d had enough and through sleepy-eyes the search for real joy was kick-started.

I fully opened my eyes and ears then sat down and worked out my vision, my purpose: To build a global snowball of happiness.

Then, I took the time to work out how I was going to make my vision a reality, my mission. I found myself breaking down my mission into three simple joyful ‘how’s’, or as I now prefer, wows!

a) Wow, I coach women who launch successful sustainable businesses.

b) Wow I develop people all over the globe, teaching them how to make a life rather than a living.

c) Wow I get to speak in front of the most amazing people in the world on-line and off-line!

By understanding the drivers behind wanting to fulfil my vision and mission, my values became apparent.

Knowing my values made the ‘whys’ even more clear: Every person has the inalienable right to love and be loved, to choose and be chosen and to understand and be understood.

We all deserve to have a wonderful life.

To have found my vision, mission and values has been the best gift I gave myself.

Every-day my vision is clear, I am constantly building a global snowball of happiness in whatever I am doing. From washing the dishes to coaching, my vision is fulfilled. I take assured action.

I work with wonderful women, supporting the clarifying of their vision, helping them get their dreams manifested and getting their gifts out in the world. Wow… Not a joB at all, rather a great joY. (Did you notice how joB turned to joY?).

That is why I do what I do – to build a global snowball of happiness. Nothing could be greater fun for me! Living my purpose has fulfilled all areas of my life and so much more.

How can I make YOU happy today? How can I help you take your business to the next level (and have fun doing so)? Get on-line and book a free virtual cuppa with me today, let’s see how much fun we can have with your laptop and a video-conference link!

Cheryl-lya is a Soul Adventurer, helping women around the globe plan, launch and grow successful and sustainable businesses. She runs workshops alongside one-to-one coaching. To contact her: call UK mobile 07527 303 911, or visit her website soulscompass.net and schedule a free Virtual Cuppa. Say ‘hello’ or share your joys via email: cheryllyas@btinternet.com 

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