Having spent ages knowing there was something not quite working in my business, I had to take a moment and think long and hard about what that was.
A little voice whispered: Look in the mirror – there is no justification for fear in any form.
I so didn’t want to take a look in the mirror, all I would see would be my faults.
Again that little voice whispered: Look in the mirror – there is no justification for fear in any form.
Now as a lover of A Course in Miracles, I understood the words. On finally taking a deep breath and looking in the mirror, I finally felt those words.
My head racing, I knew there was something lurking beneath all of this that needed to come out. I had to face the facts I was avoiding something big, and had been for years.
I had to face the fact I had been using a lack of time/love/financial support/blah blah as an excuse (or multiple excuses rather!).
I really had to grow myself a set of steel ovaries and realise I had to learn to sell myself.
That was the real lesson to learn here: to not be afraid to sell myself!
I am great at selling others and helping others get to the top. Now, I had to step up and take my own place on the leader-board. To do that properly, I had to find my own way of selling myself.
As one thing had changed, I had to change everything: Including my view point around ‘selling’.
Fast forward twenty-four hours.
In the confusion of a diary clash, I landed up speaking to the ‘wrong’ person at the ‘wrong’ time. That little serendipity turned out to be the blessing that would change my world.
I found myself booking myself on non-pushy-sales-training and am now honing the skill of a conversation around what I do… Nothing salesy at all.
It’s actually quite fun learning how to put myself out in the world more authentically earning a good income from what I love. All this so I have the time to do more of what I love… the process is so much easier than I thought!
So, when one thing changes, change everything! If it’s good enough for Neale Donald Walsh, it’s good enough for me!
Here I go, embarking on a brand new journey. Are you ready to learn and grow with me?
Great, get in touch and let’s make this change together and make it a change of note!
Pop me an email or onto my Facebook page and share your thoughts…
Cheryl-lya is a Soul Adventurer and Planning Queen: helping women around the globe plan launch and grow successful sustainable businesses. She runs workshops alongside one-to-one coaching. Contact her: call UK mobile 07527 303 911, or visit her website soulscompass.net Say ‘hello’ or share your joys via email: cheryllyas@btinternet.com