Time to celebrate your success

For over a year, every Friday I have posted up a ‘Celebrate your Success’ meme in my Facebook groups. About 6% of members post their success-stories for the week.

What are the other 94% doing, I wondered. The question led me to reach out and speak to a few of them directly. Every person I spoke to had a success to share.

When I asked why I only found out about their success-story when I probed, dug and prodded them (not literally!) the answer surprised me:

‘I don’t want to appear to be bragging’.

Then I had a dose of my own medicine when I was asked how the 2017 Enfield Wellbeing Showcase went – I hadn’t shared that huge success – 52 exhibitors, 10 speakers, 202 visitors and £734.00 raised for charity…

Why wasn’t I talking about that success?

Erm, ‘what would others think?’ I hang my head in shame, doing the same thing. All I could think of was that people love success but hate successful people. Big No-No!

Within minutes I was all over that. Every social media account I held had a post, note or version. And let me tell it felt good. Before I knew it, people were liking the posts and they were feeling good.

That made me realise by not sharing my success, I was being a miser.

Who am I to stop joy in its tracks? Who am I to not give credit to each person that helped me get to that point?

Celebrating and sharing success is a good thing. It makes people happy. Do more of sharing!

Now I ask you, what are your successes? Who have you shared them with?

Don’t be a miser, share your joy. People love to know they have helped in some small way. Give back to the source of inspiration and watch even more flow to you.

Are you ready to find out how you can have more of what you want in your life?

Is it your time to get your blueprint to success?

Yes, great! Let’s chat, sooner than later.

What date and time would you like to explore your greatness? …

Cheryl-lya is a Soul Adventurer and Planning Queen: helping women around the globe plan launch and grow successful sustainable businesses, careers and spiritually balanced lives. She runs workshops alongside one-to-one coaching. Contact her: call UK mobile 07527 303 911, or visit her website soulscompass.net Say ‘hello’ or share your joys via email: cheryllyas@btinternet.com

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