Are you resource-full?

Being a Well-being Practitioner and Business owner can be lonely at times. There is seldom another person to ask a question of or to simply sense-check with. However, working on your own needn’t be lonesome!

Yes, working on your own can be fun and yes you can be full of resources too…

It’s ok that you don’t know what you don’t know!

Being resource-full means it’s ok to NOT know the answer to every question. It’s true, you don’t need to be a walking encyclopaedia or the font of all knowledge.

Knowing where to find the answers is just as good!

We are all human and your client will appreciate you taking the time to think through their question and get back at a later date. Simply saying “let me get back to you” helps build the relationship of trust further.

When you do get back to them, they will appreciate you even more. They will be feeling cared for, heard and valued.

So, which answers do you really need to have on tap?

Who is on ‘Team You’?

Knowing that you have even more resources to hand than you think is a resource in itself! Although you may not fully realise, your family and friends are a wonderful resource to tap into.

They love being helpful, especially when helping build your dreams. Simply ask, you will be pleasantly surprised at how willing friends and family are to help!

Even if they seem unsupportive at first, keep going, they will see what you see eventually.

Who will you be asking for help from first?

Let’s get looking to your bookshelf…

There are a number of books that not only inspire you but also hold a lot of helpful information. Sometimes when running a practice we forget the basics.

Coming back to basics is a great way to ensure your foundations are solid, you are on track and can amend and grow into your future.

If your bookshelf is holding pot plants, pop into your local bookshop and grab a book in self-development that peaks your interest and another from the fiction section. Both will inspire you, both will give you a solid foundation to grow from!

What are your favourite reads? Think of all your favourite authors, what have they shown you can do?

Places and locations

Places are wonderful to gather inspiration from. Yet, you need to take time out to allow the inspiration to flow!

Nothing refuels the soul, revitalises the mind and energises the body more than inspiration. A fully inspired you means you are open and ready to accept new and exciting adventures into your life.

You are on point and at your best. Yup, inspired action really amps up your resources.

Where are your favourite places to be inspired?

What about things…

Yes, things are resources too! Have you thought about what things can help you be resourceful? Are you still thinking? Here’s a clue: dishwasher!

Yes if you have a dishwasher, you have saved some time. Use that time to get inspired and playing to your talents.

What other things can help you be resource-full?

Family, friends and beyond

Been on any courses lately, have a coach or mentor? Erm, even your boss is a resource! All these people are showing you something about yourself, good, bad or indifferent!

How many other people can you call on? How many people over the years have supported you in one way or another?

Get your resources visible

Write a list, you will be so amazed at just how much support you do have now and since way back when!

While you are writing your list, why not add to it all the people, places, things and books already mentioned earlier in this blog? That way you’ll have a visible ‘Team You’ to refer to whenever something comes up.

It’s easy to do: Turn an A4 page landscape, divide it into four columns headed People, Places, Things and Books respectively. Now fill in the columns. Authors, family, friends, libraries, sculptures, use your imagination. Even the local plumber is your resource!

Keep your list insight and add to it as you go along. This is your team. These are your resources. Did you ever think you had so much support to call on?

So, are you feeling resource-full? I thought so!

Cheryl-lya is a Soul Adventurer and Planning Queen: helping women around the globe plan launch and grow successful sustainable businesses. She runs workshops alongside one-to-one coaching. Contact her: call UK mobile 07527 303 911, or visit her website and schedule a free 15 min Connection Session to get your needs sorted. Say ‘hello’ or share your joys via email:

P.S. Cheryl-lya has released her new book: ‘Twenty-one Day Gratitude Challenge’. Buy your copy here: then read to find the links and join the enlightened accountability group for free!


1 thought on “Are you resource-full?”

  1. Great Advice.So true and there is nothing worse than a practitioner who pretends to know. Other than having studied in this field for 25 years. I was an avid consumer in this area for nearly 30 years and I have far more respect for the therapist who says they don’t know and will find out. I sadly suffered greatly at the hands of therapists who made out they did when they didn’t.


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